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  • This is hilarious. You assholes that go "this is obviously fake" need to shut up cuz regardless, it's still funny.

    Submitted by rumorofwar1 on Nov 29, 11 at 11:02pm
  • Shit! I'm gonna use this. Take that you sleazeball!

    Submitted by harrypotter36 on Nov 29, 11 at 9:49pm
    • only sounds cool if you haven't had sex with the person you are saying it about. :)

      Submitted by TwistedSista83 on Nov 30, 11 at 12:53am
  • Yes, most definitely still funny, but then I thought my comment was too so what do I know.

    Submitted by CrazyRunner on Nov 30, 11 at 11:51am
  • agreed! rather funny I thought.

    Submitted by Tattooedskin84 on Nov 29, 11 at 11:08pm
  • Sounds like song lyrics that a guy listens to when he misses his ex "you have his heart and my heart and none of the pain...." It's so funny when girls say that a guy they had sex with has herpes. It's like, dude, you had sex with him! You pretty much just told everyone that YOU have herpes!

    Submitted by TwistedSista83 on Nov 30, 11 at 12:52am
  • If only this were true. Obviously fake as there is no sexual justice in world.

    Submitted by CrazyRunner on Nov 29, 11 at 2:23pm