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  • Fox news will claim this is Apple's liberal bias

    Submitted by Phys on Dec 1, 11 at 3:05pm
    • Actually CNN just reported on Siri not finding abortion clinics and not knowing what is Plan B. Get your facts straight, son.

      Submitted by nipple_pinchy on Dec 1, 11 at 5:00pm
  • she should add to that reminder to buy condoms, do us all a favor and try it out, cheaper than plan B

    Submitted by theoldguy on Dec 1, 11 at 2:27pm
  • I bet Steve Jobs would be oh so proud.

    Submitted by threeoneseven on Dec 1, 11 at 2:26pm
  • Dont people know android had this for 2 years already. Keep drinking the koolaide. Siri, ha

    Submitted by Joker2283 on Dec 1, 11 at 5:37pm
  • You should've listened to Steve Jobs brothers, hand and blow.

    Submitted by porksword on Dec 1, 11 at 3:41pm
  • Even worse, they claim Siri is pro-life because she won't locate abortion clinics *sigh

    Submitted by GloriousBlue49 on Dec 1, 11 at 3:56pm
  • haha fucking great

    Submitted by xboxst1ch on Dec 1, 11 at 7:33pm
  • What is Siri?

    Submitted by dman123 on Dec 1, 11 at 5:00pm
    • The new iPhone (4s I believe) has this secretary-like voice answering questions you ask out loud. Sorta like an assistant... creepy imo.

      Submitted by sssmarie on Dec 1, 11 at 8:20pm
  • Re to glorious blue\n\nBut she can't be pro life.... She helps you hide a body if you tell her "I need to hide a body"

    Submitted by jonrogers90 on Dec 1, 11 at 10:36pm