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  • Career advice for valets, on the next Dirty Jobs.

    Submitted by Mactastic on Dec 2, 11 at 11:44am
  • You are a cock tease and I hope that I never meet you.... Because you are too smart for your own good. The man who marrys you will have a ball and chain around his soul and one on his nuts for that matter. I will begin praying for his soul.immediately.

    Submitted by squints1987 on Dec 3, 11 at 5:01am
    • Dont worry, I dont ever plan on getting married.

      Submitted by ebm56 on Dec 7, 11 at 6:25am
  • initiative, girls :)

    Submitted by thebatman on Dec 3, 11 at 4:21am
  • Know where to get good x?

    Submitted by rtjacobson on Dec 2, 11 at 10:00pm
  • @rtjacobson haha you took the words right out of my mouth dude.

    Submitted by ThatStoner on Dec 2, 11 at 11:46pm
  • Ohhh Insomnia. So many good times there.

    Submitted by likeakite on Dec 6, 11 at 10:42pm
  • some of the best advice she has ever given me. And of COURSE we know where to get good x.

    Submitted by itsaproblem on Dec 3, 11 at 10:25pm
    • Umm YEAH we do...and you should have taken my advice. It could have made for an extremely interesting weekend.

      Submitted by ebm56 on Dec 7, 11 at 6:23am
  • The thumbs up button win

    Submitted by contraclutch on Dec 2, 11 at 11:55am
  • I see confused teeth in your future...

    Submitted by GA_Peach on Dec 2, 11 at 6:04pm