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  • You say that like its a bad thing.

    Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 8, 11 at 12:27pm
  • Sounds like the perfect man, to me!

    Submitted by DaniShmani on Dec 8, 11 at 7:27pm
  • If he's also smart and a good honest person, he sounds like a keeper!

    Submitted by peachpie88 on Dec 8, 11 at 11:37am
    • "a good honest person?" He sells drugs. Since when are people who sell drugs honest?

      Submitted by quwoosh on Dec 8, 11 at 2:29pm
      • Quwoosh - although I don't partake of weed, I know a hell of a lot of weed dealers who are honest, good-hearted people. Your statement is so small-minded and lacking in insight. Those who have shat on me and lied the worst tend to be those who speak out the loudest against weed and countless other "vices". I deplore sanctimonious hypocrites.

        Submitted by EliseElise on Dec 8, 11 at 6:57pm
        • Standing ovation and a slow golf clap for you my dear! Besides, isn't it legal in most states now? Where I live you can grow it in your own back yard.

          Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 8, 11 at 9:52pm
        • I suppose I may have spoken too quickly without really considering every single person that may sell weed. I would however like to point out that although you seem to believe that I implied that all people who sell drugs are bad people, that wasn’t the part that I questioned. I did however question their honesty which seems like a pretty reasonable thing to question seeing as in order to sell drugs, you're required to lie about it in order to remain out of jail. That and combined with the personal

          Submitted by quwoosh on Dec 9, 11 at 2:17am
          • experience I've had with people who deal drugs, I'd say that you must be pretty lucky to have found so many good ones.

            Submitted by quwoosh on Dec 9, 11 at 2:18am
            • It really isn't that hard to keep your business "private"...I know several dealers: some are assholes, and some are good people...

              Submitted by peachpie88 on Dec 9, 11 at 12:53pm
  • Drug-dealing dildos? Wow!

    Submitted by crzyldy123 on Dec 8, 11 at 11:48am
  • Fordyayo?

    Submitted by tatteredtorn on Dec 9, 11 at 3:37pm
  • where can i find this majestic boy?

    Submitted by preppygirl on Dec 8, 11 at 5:12pm
  • And I am just fine with that?!?

    Submitted by dannie1288 on Dec 9, 11 at 1:13am
  • Haha sounds like my best friend.

    Submitted by kallimist on Dec 8, 11 at 7:03pm
  • ....Seriously sounds like the douchebag I went to school with. It's in my area code too. That's nastay ._.

    Submitted by CoraRainebow on May 7, 13 at 7:05am
  • Oh god, nightmares.

    Submitted by DerKarismatisch on Feb 7, 13 at 10:48pm
  • sounds like me! :D

    Submitted by TLS913 on Dec 8, 11 at 12:00pm