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  • HAHAHA thats awesome!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 5, 09 at 12:08am
  • epic fucking win for oregon

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 4, 09 at 6:11pm
  • classy is definitely the word i was thinking of.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 5:24pm
  • LOL round of applause

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 4, 09 at 8:53am
  • Or could it be the other way around? He broke up with you because you peed in his bed?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 4, 09 at 9:34pm
  • i broke up with a guy who then took a dump in my hottub. You are both troubled people.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 4, 09 at 4:07pm
  • I would murder that cunt in her sleep if she did that to me.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 12:04pm
    • rude. how old are you sweetie? freshman in highschool that just learned how to use the term 'cunt' properly?

      Submitted by yourmomlovesme on Sep 12, 10 at 4:40am
  • Oregon always has the classy ones! ^5 to u lady!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 4, 09 at 3:10pm
  • so what did you just pretend to be asleep or just let go during the middle of an argument? because i just don't see how someone ends up in that situation

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 5, 09 at 4:18am
  • I'll hire you to do that for me

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 4, 09 at 1:13pm
  • It depends on the breakup circumstances... We don't know if he deserved it or not. Banged her sister = deserved it. I don't think this will work out = out of line.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 4, 09 at 9:28am
  • You stay classy, Oregon.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 4, 09 at 2:31pm
  • omg, the bitch did the same thing to me! i deserved it, i took another girl to florida for spring break...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 8, 09 at 9:27am
  • i just wanted to leave my mark

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 4, 09 at 6:05pm