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  • Whipped! They do it right!

    Submitted by staish3819 on Dec 20, 11 at 7:31pm

    Submitted by TLS913 on Dec 20, 11 at 2:22pm
  • Mix that with tropicana pineapple-orange juice. I call it pineapple upside down cake, or orgasmic cake drink

    Submitted by sangrialove on Dec 20, 11 at 1:25pm
  • Shits too sweet. Alcohol for fat people.

    Submitted by Scho_nuff on Dec 20, 11 at 11:53am
    • I'm not fat, but thanks for generalizing. :-)

      Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 20, 11 at 1:25pm
      • What do you look like? I'm not asking to be a pervert but I think a lot of people here are curious. Right?

        Submitted by gostrong on Dec 20, 11 at 1:37pm
        • Well gee, why dont I just send you a pic? Yeah right!!! Aside from your inability to be nondiscriminatory-- you sir give me the creeps, and there is no f'ing way I'm giving you an iota of my personal contact information. I do not need my email bombarded with weirdos, nor do I have the desire to look over my shoulder when something moves in the shadows.

          Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 20, 11 at 3:28pm
          • Would you send your picture to someone else and let them describe you?

            Submitted by gostrong on Dec 20, 11 at 3:38pm
            • Ummm... Familiar screen name with email so I have some assurance it's not you... Maybe... but really, no body gives a fuck.

              Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 20, 11 at 3:56pm
          • You say weirdo like it's a bad thing.

            Submitted by SnidelyKWhiplash on Dec 20, 11 at 10:21pm
            • If you only knew... When dudes are somehow able to find out your real name and pay you a surprise call at your unlisted home number it's scary shit. For the most part I'm just the girl next door, nothing special, but I'm realizing I definately attract the crazy ones. Boys need to realize there is a fine line between frolicsomeness and terrorizing.

              Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 20, 11 at 10:50pm
  • Mixed with cream soda or in a chocolate martini, cake vodka is so yummy!!! Why eat dessert when you can tie one on!

    Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 20, 11 at 11:08am
  • uhh.. wow

    Submitted by TLS913 on Dec 21, 11 at 8:23pm
  • That shit is the nectar of the gods.

    Submitted by ghashlycrumbs on Dec 21, 11 at 10:44pm