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  • A for the initiative. Most people would've said fuck the soup and laid on the couch all day!

    Submitted by UniqueNordic on Jan 29, 12 at 4:35pm
  • Ya I could even get down with the never puked or passed out but really?.... You're 21 and never had a hangover?

    Submitted by karazyboys on Jan 30, 12 at 6:23am
  • Youdneverthinkit, if you've never done any of those things, then you haven't found your limits!

    Submitted by Jennamatic_3000 on Jan 29, 12 at 11:23pm
  • No, being 21 is easy. Being 21 and too stupid to stop drinking when you should is hard.

    Submitted by haliganbar on Jan 29, 12 at 8:18pm
  • Have you tried out this new invention called the microwave?

    Submitted by cpt_obvious on Jan 31, 12 at 12:57am
  • @youdneverthinkit dude, learn your limits or having fun? Guess which way im swinging.

    Submitted by TotallyBro on Jan 29, 12 at 10:18pm
  • Not its not I'm 21, I've never puked, passed out, or had a hangover. Learn your limits people

    Submitted by youdneverthinkit on Jan 29, 12 at 8:36pm
    • or you just arent having enough fun, you havent lived if youve never lost a few brain cells from the best nights you will never remember.

      Submitted by joeysnorts on Jan 29, 12 at 10:39pm
    • obviously you have never had fun either

      Submitted by Moehrkalerk48 on Jan 29, 12 at 10:50pm
    • Agreed. +1

      Submitted by Mikedog48 on Jan 30, 12 at 9:16am
  • Pansy.

    Submitted by Perper on Jan 31, 12 at 12:55am