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  • Take the initiative and call someone yourself you lazy ass.

    Submitted by sleete on Mar 6, 12 at 9:52pm
  • Be grateful you've at least got a pop tart.

    Submitted by UniqueNordic on Feb 13, 12 at 4:50pm
  • What's wrong with poptarts?

    Submitted by cpt_obvious on Feb 14, 12 at 2:25am
  • What kind of poptart?

    Submitted by blue_bl00d on Feb 14, 12 at 11:44am
  • at least you got the dinner part of the date covered. now hit up a redbox and get a movie you know you'll like and the other person won't have an excuse for waiting to give it up. lol.

    Submitted by AllFuggedUp on Feb 13, 12 at 6:54pm
  • put down the poptart. ill booty call u

    Submitted by mmmmmmbop on Feb 13, 12 at 3:01pm