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  • So, what does that say about the karma shit storm headed in your direction?

    Submitted by Hedonistic on Feb 16, 12 at 11:09am
    • Exactly my thoughts.

      Submitted by GA_Peach on Feb 16, 12 at 11:10am
      • Even more importantly,what does that say about her ass? Either boney as hell or gi-fucking-normous!

        Submitted by porksword on Feb 16, 12 at 11:49am
  • By your ass???? Damn girl, eat a cheeseburger.

    Submitted by friedbunnies on Feb 16, 12 at 3:05pm
  • doesn't matter had sex... but seriously, you are both stupid animals.

    Submitted by polacke on Feb 16, 12 at 11:18am
  • Am I the only one who pictured it as her just sitting on him and thrusting, so she would be sitting on his gonads the whole time? Cuz that makes sense

    Submitted by gaterhog on Feb 16, 12 at 8:09pm
  • Cakeyyy booty

    Submitted by hehehAlllrighttt on Feb 17, 12 at 3:51am
  • What a bitch

    Submitted by badmotherfuker86 on Feb 16, 12 at 10:01pm
  • Cheatings never ok. But if this bitch literally broke our balls, fellas are we allowed to hit said bitch?

    Submitted by stikybriches on Feb 18, 12 at 1:23pm
  • I have got\nTo start dating women with asses like yours lol

    Submitted by DERRINEVANS on Feb 18, 12 at 12:43pm
  • Sounds like she was on top and had a bony ass. I've been there and done that, and the only defense is to shield your balls with one hand as best you can.

    Submitted by Thard on Feb 19, 12 at 9:29am