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  • Wait, why were they sitting together again?

    Submitted by osm on Mar 8, 12 at 3:12pm
  • Threesome or never talk to them again.

    Submitted by cfreymarc on Mar 8, 12 at 4:46pm
  • Strangely enough, her new boyfriend got her number from her while she was sitting next to her boyfriend who is now her ex.

    Submitted by ElleNicole28 on Mar 8, 12 at 5:10pm
  • She just said she drunk dialed him. I drunk dial people all the time just to talk when I'm wasted.\n\nCool it with the whore comments, guys.

    Submitted by sssmarie on Mar 8, 12 at 4:02pm
  • Eiffel tower!!!

    Submitted by ck24 on Mar 8, 12 at 5:15pm
  • I remember in highschool when you would date people in the same social circles...

    Submitted by nairbynairb on Mar 9, 12 at 1:15pm
  • You could ask them both to shoot you in the face. Bukkake FTW

    Submitted by dmoney1234 on Mar 8, 12 at 4:18pm
  • they're discussing what a whore you are and the best way to score some Backdoor action but mainly there sticking to your whoredom

    Submitted by nunubeest on Mar 8, 12 at 7:22pm
  • This is something I would do. This is awesome haha.

    Submitted by bonafidekell on Mar 8, 12 at 9:26pm
  • Was the call about them shooting you in the face, like bukakke?

    Submitted by porksword on Mar 8, 12 at 4:19pm
  • Haha loser

    Submitted by DGES on Mar 8, 12 at 3:12pm
  • they're discussing what a whore you are and the best way to score some Backdoor action

    Submitted by nunubeest on Mar 8, 12 at 7:21pm
  • Why keep your ex's number on your phone anyway?

    Submitted by swampbaby985 on Mar 9, 12 at 3:29am
  • Serves you right, whore.

    Submitted by StoneEdge on Mar 8, 12 at 3:07pm