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  • Awk? SERIOUSLY?! Its official. I have lost all confidence in the "future" of this country.

    Submitted by keto06 on Apr 3, 12 at 11:59am
  • Agreed! Fuck! People can't just say "awkward"?

    Submitted by PenisVagina on Apr 3, 12 at 12:22pm
  • "so awk"? that's what she sed. (sorry, just a little perl of a geek joke there.)

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on Apr 4, 12 at 7:47pm
  • Someone has a horse fetish.

    Submitted by yewinnhard on Apr 5, 12 at 2:16am
  • I think the only option we have if we don't want to see the bible rewritten again in Tool language is euthinasia. we gotta start taking these assholes out.

    Submitted by MzKitty08 on Apr 3, 12 at 12:34pm
    • bring back mandatory sterilizations?

      Submitted by keto06 on Apr 3, 12 at 12:46pm
    • @kitty. Interesting choice considering the bible has been rewritten by every other kind of douche speak there is politic speak being all the rage right now. It could be funny in tool speak. Might make it less of an awk read.

      Submitted by porksword on Apr 3, 12 at 12:57pm
      • The bible has become irrelevant anyways now that everyone has heard the word.

        Submitted by porksword on Apr 3, 12 at 2:31pm
        • would you be referring to the Bird. lol. I must agree and say I really enjoy your comments and Sharp wit. you are one of the reasons I frequent this app.

          Submitted by MzKitty08 on Apr 3, 12 at 10:58pm
  • Hahahahahha 🐴🐴

    Submitted by eyelovecupcakes on Apr 8, 12 at 10:42am