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  • I wouldn't have danced with you, no matter how hot you are, simply because that's such a conceited, asshole move.

    Submitted by SCBeauty1983 on Apr 15, 12 at 1:37pm
    • He said "on" not "with". I'd buy you a few rounds to watch you stomp your heels into some idiot.

      Submitted by porksword on Apr 15, 12 at 3:07pm
      • I'd drink those rounds... But FYI, I'd kick his ass for free. ;) I HATE douchbags that act like that!!!

        Submitted by SCBeauty1983 on Apr 15, 12 at 7:35pm
  • oh god I hate when guys do that in clubs...its like DUDE YOU AND HALF THE OTHER GUYS IN HERE! only difference is he is a narcissist and spent the time and money waxing...I dunno I just see him as pathetic now if he had that "sabertooth from the xmen cartoons 24pack goin on then I could see showing off

    Submitted by nunubeest on Apr 15, 12 at 3:12pm
    • Who said he waxes his body hair? Probably looks like a 350lb grizzly bear & STILL thinks he's sexy... Ugh, all the more reason to shove my 5" stilettos up his ass!!!

      Submitted by SCBeauty1983 on Apr 15, 12 at 7:39pm
      • aaagh aaagh aaagh god the wait... you have small feet...size five? shit I'm a I could pick you up easy...

        Submitted by nunubeest on Apr 15, 12 at 9:55pm
        • five inches..not size 5.

          Submitted by ahyeah on Apr 16, 12 at 12:58am
        • I'm 5ft2in, weigh 114lbs, am very flexible, and wear a size 6 shoe. I also own quite a collection of rifles, shotguns, and pistols and am not afraid to use any of them. I carry my CWP proudly!

          Submitted by SCBeauty1983 on Apr 16, 12 at 12:47pm
          • Get 'em girl. I have my CWP also. I think I just fell in love with you. Living in the strict gun law state of CA I don't meet girls like you.

            Submitted by ImpendingDoom on Apr 16, 12 at 8:54pm
  • Who needs a 6 pack when ya got a keg???....

    Submitted by Malicius on Apr 15, 12 at 10:46am
    • it's not a beer belly, it's a fuel tank for a love machine

      Submitted by puffnstuff on Apr 15, 12 at 12:03pm
  • The bigger they are, the harder they fart

    Submitted by daisydukeluke on Apr 16, 12 at 2:12am
  • Lol oh how I love women who get all pissy and riled up over stupid ass shit. First off how conceited of YOU to assume he would've asked you to be one of those girls dancing on him. I mean really. And on that note, if you were the only girl who didn't get asked probably felt insufficient. Get over yourself

    Submitted by siarrune074 on Jul 7, 13 at 7:10pm
  • Also- even if he is a pig for wanting that-which honestly it's his business who cares? you wouldn't have to spit in his face or stomp him, just say no and walk away. Simple solution that allows you to maintain some dignity rather than waving firearms and wielding stilettos over some stupid comment a stranger made.

    Submitted by siarrune074 on Jul 7, 13 at 7:14pm