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  • w00t she must be talking about me:)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 6:26pm
  • Hon I know what you mean. Samething haapened to me. Hope i didnt miss out on great sex...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 7:03pm
  • wow they acually explained it...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 3:23pm
  • sounds like someone was thinking of Edward Cullen

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 4:59pm
  • This Is My Life. I have always said that I prefer the idea of boy to any actual boy.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 10, 09 at 2:23am
  • i felt like this about a dude, but then i met him and had sex with him anyway and it was worth it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 3:57pm
  • robert pattinson, anyone? totally agreeing with 4:59...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 6:06pm
  • EXACTLY how I feel about Adam Lambert!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 3:34pm
  • definately the way i feel about Tucker Max lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 2, 09 at 3:33pm
  • Wow. I had to read that three times and still have no idea what the Hell the "texter" was saying. What a dumb bitch.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 2:57pm
  • i know how this feeeeeels...but i think even actually doing it would be exactly what i want.........oh i want it so bad

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 4:35pm
  • cool we can have a 3 sum of ideas

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 1:57pm
  • i have totally felt like that before. even when i wasn't drunk

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 2:59pm
  • and she came with teh white hot intensity of a Thousand Suns!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 10, 09 at 2:08pm
  • I KNOW EXACTLY HOW THAT FEELS..! keep masterbating... trust me i found out tonight..the idea of him had a way bigger dick =[

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 10, 09 at 4:15am
  • seriously who really likes pale guys. get a tan so you dont look dead.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 5:10pm
  • Dude, I totally get your life right now.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 16, 10 at 5:34pm
  • "Wow. I had to read that three times and still have no idea what the Hell the "texter" was saying. What a dumb bitch." That's probably because you're stupid. It's pretty obvious what it means, but 3:20 broke it down for you if you're still having trouble ;)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 10, 09 at 1:08am
  • @ 5:10 id rather date a pale chick than one who goes to the tanning bed every day and has rubber skin because of it

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 10:50pm
  • Thats called masturbation .

    Submitted by emianne on Mar 26, 11 at 12:11am