You need to move on. He's not texting you, so obviously he doesn't give a shit, and you do. Stop being a girl and get over it. He's so not worth it, no matter how much you think he is. He's not.
I fucking hate girls like that... been there, done that.
You obviously DO care so don't be a bitch and pretend like you don't, just be honest and try actually talking / listening for once instead of trying to pretend like its nothing
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I laughed so hard reading this texts..he does not care. Been there...still there...we are now "friends"..but the best part is knowing that guys feel the same way..thats cool.
No, not everyone has "been there."
When I'm done caring about a girl, her number is out of my phone and I don't give a shit if she texts.
What is the matter with you people?
Lots of people have been there or are only lasts a couple of days...and then you get over it and move on. It takes time though....Jesus! That's the way it is. The person is not going to text and the other person is going to move on, but when you're in the place right after you break it off, it sucks! And you think shit like's just how it is sometimes.
AIGHT imma guy reppin Ga but in OH, and ive felt tha same way she's feelin, mayb while shes holdin out on textin him, he's holdin out on textin her 2..its a possibility they both care and just dnt wanna man up and show it cuz of pride..I kno im not textin her, and she's not textin me..but theres a chance she cares cuz i DO StiLL CaRe, and im tha one that broke up with her
gah totally there right now
he doesn't care and it hurts and so you just want to hurt him back...
but chances are he really doesn't care
:( guys are like that
<3 for all the girls and guys in this position. Don't let the ex bring you down.
I helps to hear other people go through the same thing.
alll you men here are retarded. girls everywhere have been in this situation and im SURE there are a few guys out there who have ignored girls phone calls/texts just to show they still CARE. so dont be rude.
Anonymous said...
So let me get this straight, you are wanting HIM to text YOU so that you can show him you don't care anymore? Sounds like you're the one who cares.
why are people so fucking stupid? that's the whole fucking point. that's why it's funny. god i want a tazer.
Why the fuck are so many people agreeing with this text? It's funny because she's an idiot.
Why not just delete the person's number and move on with your life like a normal human being? idiot.
11:02 i'm pretty sure guys pull this shit all the time, everyone does with their wait 3 day rules and playing hard to get, or putting people on the backburner... everyone has probably been on but sides of this situation...
The good thing, lads, is that unless you're a paedo you won't have to deal with too much of this narcissistic bullshit.
Grow the fuck up... in your own time of course.
Wow, this isnt really funny at all, just depressing to see how many females out there are two sided. You obviously care if you want him to call, so call him, what good does it do to supress your feelings, your really not as important as you think you are. And just to ignore him, wow, shows alot about your character. Your the type of girl who always has to have the last word and has to be right huh. God I hate paris hilton bitches
Haha YAY its so not just me! But I really wish the guys on here would read what we have already said b/c they keep going on about how she really does care and then we have to explain that thats the point and then the whole conversation repeats itself again......sigh.
Ok, the point of this text is that yes, she knows he doesn't care and yes, she realizes that she is the one who cares, but she wants him to text her so that she can act like she doesn't care hence getting back at him for not caring and being the one who ends the relationship/fling without looking like the one who got burned. We've all been there so don't be rude!
Same position as you are in "friend zone" except when he texts I do text back. But, I wait longer then the normal and he gets all pissy that I may be doing something/someone he doesn't know about. When you think about it it's the guys fault. If he'd just admit he wanted more then friends then the problem wouldn't be there, because then us girls won't be doing this shit. It's effed up and I know.
Read It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken by Greg Berhendt. Hilarious book by the same guy who wrote He's Just Not That Into You.
I am totally dealing with the exact same thing right now. Boys may never understand the logic of this text...
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