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  • why you no call me solo ho ho ho ho

    Submitted by nunubeest on May 24, 12 at 2:56pm
  • Jabba the slut

    Submitted by porksword on May 24, 12 at 3:54pm
  • Flyer than the rest of em; Still got my Nike Boots...\n\nNever mind make those into Hammer's jordan sandals and tear up that pussy like a vandal, fuck it go start a scandal

    Submitted by sick_skullcandy on May 25, 12 at 2:42am
    • this semi retarded fat white kid is getting mildly annoying

      Submitted by reeln on May 25, 12 at 8:37am
      • Just semi-retarded, you give him much more credit then he deserves.

        Submitted by HailCaeser on May 25, 12 at 9:48am
  • Stilettos should have a weight restriction. Just sayin.

    Submitted by HoldMyLife on May 24, 12 at 3:08pm
    • They kinda do...metal in the shoe isn't as strong as you might think. I've seen a few dragqueens go down, what usually happens is the metal bends away from the center of the arch.

      Submitted by GA_Peach on May 24, 12 at 4:45pm
      • There does come a point tho where they do nothing to elongate the legs, but rather look like a balancing act gone horribly wrong.

        Submitted by HoldMyLife on May 24, 12 at 4:51pm
      • you've seen drag queens go down?...hope it wasn't on anyone you know.

        Submitted by SnidelyKWhiplash on May 28, 12 at 12:47am
  • Sounds like a ZZ Top song.

    Submitted by DerKarismatisch on Aug 18, 12 at 9:13pm
  • We... What -feet- would said Hutt be wearing these titanium heels on?

    Submitted by cannabislecter on May 24, 12 at 10:38pm
    • lol you sound black

      Submitted by reeln on May 25, 12 at 8:36am
      • Because my phone changed wait to we? Also I'm not. Not to mention WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?

        Submitted by cannabislecter on May 25, 12 at 1:16pm
        • Yey racism(annoyed sarcasm)....people aren't even that racist in GA...are you in Bama?

          Submitted by GA_Peach on May 25, 12 at 8:30pm
          • I'm in Pittsburgh. I'm not sure where the douche with the klan hood it's from...

            Submitted by cannabislecter on May 26, 12 at 10:48pm
            • I ment the klan idiot asshat.

              Submitted by GA_Peach on May 27, 12 at 4:08am
              • I knew that. I thought I'd take the opportunity to take a shot at him/her. Why are you mad at me exactly?

                Submitted by cannabislecter on May 29, 12 at 7:19am
  • Were you at the Stars Wars burlesque show in Vegas? Because that would make seeing Jabba in stilletos awesome.

    Submitted by NotTelling on May 24, 12 at 4:43pm
  • No, Jabba. You put Leia in the sexy outfit. You just hold the chain and shut the fuck up for a few minutes.

    Submitted by Thompson11 on May 24, 12 at 7:27pm