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  • I know I should be horrified, and I am, I swear..... but I REALLY want to know what step 2 was going to be.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 2:20pm
  • 3:39 #1: So, ANY chick who gets this drunk is a "dumb bitch" and anything done to her while she's blacked out is "her problem," while any guy who gets wasted is... well, wasted. Your ignorance is disturbing.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 4:00pm
  • hopefully step 2 is washing the shit off your fingers in the bathroom sink AFTER she pushes her bowels in her sleep

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 2:11pm
  • 2:50 Sure, if you want to take this as a joke, then that's fine. But there are plenty of sick people in the world who do actually do this and the more we laugh at it instead of saying it is wrong, the more they think its okay to do.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 3:08pm
  • 1:26--i like how you jump on the dumbass bandwagon...wtg!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 1:30am
  • no, get two thumbs in there, like the Fonz. Heyyyyyyy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 3:53pm
  • hahahah fucking hilarious.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 8, 09 at 4:09pm
  • absolutely fucking hilarious

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 2:27pm
  • you are correct 2:13 sexual assault isn't funny...........its fucking hilarious!!!!!! I am sure they were 100% serious too thats what makes it so great!!! (I hope someone is picking up on the sarcasm)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 2:14pm
  • Disturbing, but really fuckin' funny.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 1:49pm
  • its a jokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee stop flipping out. 4:11 you're a piece of shit. and roofies happen.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 4:18pm
  • Obviously a joke for some, and a mental retardation in others.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 27, 09 at 8:46pm
  • 3:08 there are plenty of awareness websites out there.....this is a humor website which you clearly do not stay off of our and we will stay off of yours

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 3:22pm
  • Yeah. You all think this is hilarious until your sister/girlfriend/mom gets "sleep assaulted" another jack ass who also found the idea funny and thus ok.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 2:33pm
  • for all you dipshitsw that are taking this up your ass holes, chillax! its a fucking joke. and by the way i love surprise sex! hahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 1:26am
  • either going for the bowling ball or the six pack carry.........insert thumb into vagina

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 2:23pm
  • I'm a lady, and I think this is fucking hilarious.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 2, 09 at 8:53am
  • until it gets posted here...then everybody will noe that some dumb bitch got a thumb in her ass. whatever, she'll realize it 2morro..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 7:24pm
  • i like how some people say this is simply a text between friends and they were just having, this is a text between friends that got published on a website that is viewed by a LOT of people, some of which will probably take this as ACTUAL advise and try it to someone else....this is bad. verrry bad. people who think this is funny, are the ones with the shitty sense of humor (no pun intended)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 1:19am
  • fuck step one lets hit step 3

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 7:42pm
  • the girl woke up and punched his she should

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 1:54am
  • Step 2! Please! Just tell me step 2!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 1:46am
  • Ohh, my area code... lmfao

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 13, 09 at 4:41am
  • That's a riot. So, what's step 2?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 2:00pm
  • no... some people deserved to get raped.... like other rapists

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 11:40pm
  • but technically you won't know if you're offended or not until after you've read it....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 2:52pm
  • Haha never pass out in the 702!!! I swear I know u fools it's McPot hit me up

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 2, 09 at 1:48am
  • you follow that up with a cuntpunch, of course

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 2:35am
  • dailystrength is where all you people with no sense of humor belong not TFLN

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 3:43pm
  • Jokes are rarely funny when removed from context.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 13, 09 at 2:13am
  • Holy crap, shut up you bunch of pussies and go change your tampons already. Obviously it's a joke. Who the fuck is going to sneak 3 fingers (yes, 3; index, middle and ring) in to a sleeping chicks clacker without her waking up!? Some of you need 3 fingers in your own rectum so you can wake the fuck up too.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 7:27pm
  • step 2 is to stretch it enough that you can put a small nicnack into her and leave it there. A single bead will work, but you can also use things like pen caps, a single coin, and a ball bearing.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 4:00pm
  • STEP 2?????????? lmao!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 29, 09 at 4:55pm
  • 9:15 I'm going to use your nose as a penis warmer.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 10:49pm
  • sexual assault is always funny. lighten up.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 5:27pm
  • What was step 2?!?!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 21, 10 at 7:06pm
  • yeah... sexually assaulting a passed out, defenseless woman. always hilarious.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 9:53am
  • i think this might be illegal. yeah vegas!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 11:26pm
  • Why do people who get offended by shit like this even look at this website? If it offends you, don't fucking read it. Pretty simple solution.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 2:50pm
  • Step TWO: Put a ping pong ball in her arse. Watch the glazed expression of utter surprise when she emerges from the toilet.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 13, 09 at 7:17am
  • oh vegas i'm so proud

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 1:53pm
  • Like 3:43...if you can FIT 3 fingers in a girl's ass I'm going to assume she's already a fan of anal and stretched for the occasion.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 14, 09 at 11:39am
  • 5:27- get friendssss

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 5:32pm
  • you people are sick misogynists.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 8:39pm
  • that's sexual assault brotha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 3:03pm
  • What sort of person gets on their high horse on a texts from last night website? I applaud all the people that just came into this replies section and had a good laugh. ha ha ha ha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 1:38am
  • Can't believe somebody so sick lives in my city.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 2:04pm
  • leave it to other rapists to defend this

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 7:21pm
  • bahaha only in vegas

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 4:31pm
  • how much did I drink??? What did we do??? and why does my ass hurt????

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 1:58pm
  • something tells me that the people yelling RAPIST at this joke are probably also defending David Letterman

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 12:58pm
  • "Sexual assault is funny. Girls who are drunk deserve it. Women should be perfect with no flaws and they shouldn't talk too much but just be there to provide any level of sex the man wants." Thanks, guys. I'm a virgin and now that I know how men really feel? I plan to stay that way.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 6:10pm
  • I'm a chick and I find this freaking hilarious.... Now for step two....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 12:39pm
  • THREE FINGERS? Gentle, that can't ever be.

    Submitted by zoeythepenguin on Aug 17, 10 at 12:31pm
  • sexual assault isnt funny

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 2:13pm
  • reall 204 in vegas you think this is as SICK as it gets????

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 2:05pm
  • A: if you don't think this shit is funny, stop reading. Simple B: how can three fingers up the shitter ever be gentle?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 14, 09 at 3:43am
  • hahaha 2:37 !! I definitly just got a good laugh out of that !

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 3:39pm
  • 12:58. no i am not...i loath letterman.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 10:52pm
  • everyones missing the point what happened next?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 1:53am
  • This story will only end in tears.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 1:54pm
  • if more people had a sense of humor life would be so much better......2:33 it is a joke.....learn to laugh a lil, you may eventualy dress normal and stop cutting yourself

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 2:37pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 8:47pm
  • Aw man, everyone shut the fuck up and jam your fingers IN DA BUTT!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 3:15pm
  • "Sexual assault is funny. Girls who are drunk deserve it. Women should be perfect with no flaws and they shouldn't talk too much but just be there to provide any level of sex the man wants." Thanks, guys. I'm a virgin and now that I know how men really feel? I plan to stay that way. 6:10 You can totally tell this is a fat chick. Virgin, NOT by choice.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 14, 09 at 7:13pm
  • Ok this was my text and it was totally meant as a joke niether of us are rapists so everybody just chill out

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 3, 09 at 12:40am
  • never punch a man in the junk.....dont you know how much that hurts? you girls are so insensitive. ha ha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 2:24am
  • What happens in Vegas....stays in Vegas...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 7:10pm
  • wow talk about a bunch of prudes....get on ebay and find a sense of humor.

    Submitted by kandykat on Feb 5, 10 at 5:07pm
  • Step 3: profit

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 26, 10 at 1:08am
  • ok whats step 2 lmao

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 11:55pm
  • this should never have been posted. ever.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 4:43pm