peanuts are the worst thing to throw up. the sharp peanut shards cut up your throat and get stuck and you start choking and it just sucks. also, goldfish crackers are pretty unpleasant. and orange. ew.
LOL I've had to say that to people for sure... "I don't want you to be worried. You ate salad." Right there next to, "no you're not puking up blood, that's Jello."
hahaa ! i love this. .. except i have to disagree that salad is the worst to throw up... poutine STILL gives me nightmares.. the chunky kind you get from harvey's.. ugggh!
Salad is definitely one of the worst things to throw up. Although I recently threw up tuna salad and crackers for the first (and hopefully last) time. By far my worst puke ever.
that is virginia for youu, i'm going to have to say vabreezy though. haha and the worst to puke up is jalapenos. omg. ughhhhh i can still taste..bleeeghhhhh...k i'mma stop.
this is my favorite one to date... I'm sitting by my self laughing so hard I have tears running down my face.... as for bad things to puke....
indian food
redbull (tastes EXACTLY the same)
anything with jalepenos
lol, I love you.
Hmm ok def. not something I should admit but I thought I was shitting blood for a couple of days, but it turns out that my mixer of kool-aid in high enough quantity can do that to you (I know, classy right?)... I almost went to the hospital. I would have been even more horrified if I had.
ive definatly done this..
salad for dinner. then work at 5am. quickly followed by puking up my "leaves".. wondering when the hell i ate leaves? took about an hour to figure it out lol.
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