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  • Yeah, so?

    Submitted by daisydukeluke on Jun 13, 12 at 2:27pm
  • It's only a gift if the marriage takes place.

    Submitted by ly0ntamer on Jun 13, 12 at 11:47pm
    • Engagement ring laws vary from state to state. Some, it is a gift upon engagement. Others, it is his 'til they marry and now under common property. Others, it is actually in escrow and returned the jeweler or original owner if the engagement is broken. There have been successful civil cases of a man getting the engagement ring back in small claims court after a broken engagement.

      Submitted by cfreymarc on Jun 15, 12 at 3:46am
  • reuse the diamond. he shouldn't have gotten it back in the first place. it twas a gift! :)

    Submitted by SSmackk on Jun 13, 12 at 7:19pm
  • Ouch.

    Submitted by Phil_McCracken on Jun 13, 12 at 2:37pm
  • Pretty rude thing to say.

    Submitted by coumtryboy99 on Jun 13, 12 at 5:42pm