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  • Better than me at my last break up. Non-stop blasting of Taylor Swift and Adele songs in the morning double fisting handles of vodka.

    Submitted by Cross on Jun 23, 12 at 1:00pm
  • I'm still drinking away my last breakup haha........I'm lonely...

    Submitted by plygtr85 on Jun 23, 12 at 6:30pm
  • Yeah that kinda sounds like the opposite of taking it well

    Submitted by Boxfac3 on Jun 23, 12 at 3:16pm
  • Sounds like a good healing ritual (Aria

    Submitted by Aria924 on Jun 23, 12 at 7:44pm
  • And the dog was just laying there, tongue hanging out and panting, with its eyes glazed over.

    Submitted by hogfish on Aug 18, 14 at 9:18pm