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  • I knew from the second after reading this TFLN that you are easy.

    Submitted by mlock08 on Jun 24, 12 at 4:06pm
  • You misheard. Actually he calls his dick "Gloria's".

    Submitted by grizzlewhisker on Jun 24, 12 at 11:17pm
  • Too bad you will be disappointed.

    Submitted by sagus on Jun 24, 12 at 5:13pm
  • I'd tell you mine was effulgent, but you'd probably have no idea what that word meant. Easy girls = idiots.

    Submitted by hockeygoalie on Jun 24, 12 at 5:42pm
  • Guys come one...i don't get you ! Is it ok for a dude to be easy (like me) but not for girls? If a girl come to you and say something like «my vagina will eat you alive» will do her,right? So then...are u an idiot because u are easy?

    Submitted by funkjunk on Jun 24, 12 at 8:06pm
  • canes- they make websites for people like you. people who are social awkward and with undeveloped social skills to go and meet to hook up. I think that's more what your looking for.

    Submitted by duckdown on Jun 24, 12 at 10:52pm
    • Well I really didn't say anything about hooking up, but even if I did, I don't feel like its so bad. Some girls need big dicks to get off and some can't handle big ones at all. Girls never find out a guys dick size until its too late. It has nothing to do with "social skills". There's a lot you need to learn

      Submitted by Canes247 on Jun 24, 12 at 11:03pm
  • Someone's naive

    Submitted by Attica on Jun 25, 12 at 8:54am
  • Don't hate on Canes, he's the best troll yet. Drive him off and something worse could take his place. Better the devil you know!

    Submitted by nonphotoblue on Jun 25, 12 at 12:45pm
  • Why is it that the average penis size automatically grows to ten inches on the Internet? You people really need to get over your insecurities.

    Submitted by Naysayer123 on Jun 25, 12 at 12:38pm
  • Mine is 10 inches. Email me at for pics and videos. Special thanks to Meghan and Suzan for your appreciation!! I'm thankful to have fans of my huge dick!!

    Submitted by Canes247 on Jun 24, 12 at 5:13pm
    • No one of true worth cares.

      Submitted by HailCaeser on Jun 24, 12 at 6:17pm
      • And yet you cared enough to comment. Keep the hate coming buddy

        Submitted by Canes247 on Jun 24, 12 at 10:13pm
        • dude you're an idiot

          Submitted by Irish_man_88 on Jun 25, 12 at 12:36am
          • You'd be shocked as to how much I don't care what you think

            Submitted by Canes247 on Jun 25, 12 at 12:52am
            • You'd be shocked about how no one cares about you or your genitals, so please go troll palringo or another chat app and leave this place.

              Submitted by HailCaeser on Jun 25, 12 at 9:08am
    • Meghan and Suzan, which one is your mom and which one is your sister?

      Submitted by 2dicksam on Jun 24, 12 at 8:31pm
      • I don't know how you and your nasty ass family get down, but please keep that shit to yourself champ

        Submitted by Canes247 on Jun 24, 12 at 10:14pm
        • Shaddup about your penis, 10 is a waste of two-three inches depending on the position anyway. It's just a penis.

          Submitted by GA_Peach on Jun 24, 12 at 11:29pm
          • Every vagina is different, so despite what you say, my dick does turn some girls on. I'm not showing it to you, so just ignore my comment and keep it moving. Have a nice evening

            Submitted by Canes247 on Jun 24, 12 at 11:49pm
            • Baha you assume I would care to gander. I assume all men, other than my husband, are ken dolls. You're not special, use craigslist like most single people. Unless what you fear most is actual human contact so you troll for women who are several hundred miles away from you and pose no physical threat.

              Submitted by GA_Peach on Jun 25, 12 at 4:54am
              • I do craigslist all the time. Its not about meeting girls though. Anyone can meet a girl. I want a specific type thats into big dicks and won't catch feelings. I want to go nationwide with this though so I'm using different sites. I already have arrangements in Pennsylvania and Georgia. I love what I do and have no shame in it.

                Submitted by Canes247 on Jun 25, 12 at 12:48pm