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  • She doesn't sound very lucky to me.

    Submitted by Panicsdisaster on Jun 28, 12 at 1:18pm
  • She's the slut when he's cheating on his wife? The double standard wins again I guess.

    Submitted by meow00 on Jun 28, 12 at 1:31pm
  • Sorry ladies You are not longer allowed to post funny things of any kind here, no hilarious pregnancy scares, no drinking stories, and just lay there, think of england, and for god's sake don't enjoy it, or you will be stoned by fatboy the ignorant

    Submitted by GAEA_KALI on Jun 28, 12 at 5:55pm
  • um, hello, open relationship?? probably totally fine and agreed upon, otherwise who would be so stupid to send a text like this so they'd get caught?

    Submitted by 8=✊=>💨😜 on Jun 28, 12 at 1:15pm
  • Slut

    Submitted by fatboyexpress on Jun 28, 12 at 1:06pm
  • I love that people yell slut when he's the one with the wife. And yes, open relationships are becoming more and more commonplace.

    Submitted by wubbazugg on Jun 28, 12 at 1:52pm
  • It's called "swinging", people.

    Submitted by Zeliot on Jun 28, 12 at 4:16pm
    • swinging is a mutual thing. it has to be agrees upon by the husband AND the wife.

      Submitted by cascott325 on Jun 29, 12 at 8:31am
  • Hmmm... What if the OP was the wife??? She could be telling her husband how lucky she is... Duh

    Submitted by GuppyGuppy on Jun 29, 12 at 4:36am
  • Slut

    Submitted by absolution on Jun 28, 12 at 1:09pm
  • I suppose you're all wondering why I've summoned you here at this hour...a married man was spotted fucking another woman last night. *gasp* Now, should anyone be found to be fucking this married man with knowledge of his relationship status who fails to come forward....will be e...qually guilty. (translation: both sluts)

    Submitted by Rocknoutloud on Jun 29, 12 at 3:00am
  • There are plenty of guys out there that have no other woman in there life and u are just slutty enough that u don't care that is kinda nasty and I'll bet the sex wasn't great for him it was throwing a hot dog down a hallway

    Submitted by fatboyexpress on Jun 28, 12 at 1:09pm
    • There's a reason guys like you can't get a woman and it's not because they're sluts.

      Submitted by porksword on Jun 28, 12 at 3:18pm
    • I covered that ignorant statement in another post. troll

      Submitted by GAEA_KALI on Jun 28, 12 at 5:56pm
      • Also "there" is a place I believe you meant "Their" which is a possessive pronoun meaning belonging to them. He possesses his life.

        Submitted by GAEA_KALI on Jun 28, 12 at 6:01pm
  • You just made the third for their next threesome.

    Submitted by cfreymarc on Jun 29, 12 at 12:15am
  • Could be two homo dudes... So everyone calm the fuck down w the slut calling. There's lots of relationships like this where a guy is married but hasn't reached the point of being out yet. Lots of middle aged homos have really been married to a chick once and maybe even have kids. Think about that.

    Submitted by daintygooch on Jun 28, 12 at 11:10pm
  • For fucks sake people if she wants to be a part of an open consensual relationship then let her. It's not hurting you in the least unless you can't get a girl of your own then in that case grow the fuck up and improve yourself instead of getting so butthurt about it.

    Submitted by sagus on Jun 28, 12 at 1:31pm
  • He is a fucking waste too but she is still a slut all of you defending her are just trying to make it right i'n your heads for when you do it

    Submitted by fatboyexpress on Jun 28, 12 at 2:30pm
  • Slut

    Submitted by boogerbutt on Jun 28, 12 at 1:21pm
  • Dang there are some buzz wrecking posts in this thread. Lighten up. Or stick to less controversial sites.

    Submitted by UniqueNordic on Jun 28, 12 at 6:24pm
    • he seems to like a stripper in the shower though, that's ok for some reason

      Submitted by GAEA_KALI on Jun 28, 12 at 8:23pm
  • Maybe they need more "corn dogs "

    Submitted by grandmasboy on Jun 28, 12 at 10:19pm
  • men need to stop SUCKING!!

    Submitted by treestreestrees on Jun 29, 12 at 4:03pm
  • Slut

    Submitted by Blamin on Jun 28, 12 at 2:09pm
  • Slut

    Submitted by fatboyexpress on Jun 28, 12 at 1:05pm
  • ohhhh get ready to have your mind Blown "fat" is op even female?

    Submitted by GAEA_KALI on Jun 28, 12 at 5:57pm
  • Dude get the fuck out of here

    Submitted by somoney1 on Jun 28, 12 at 9:54pm
  • Gaydar ... Since the beginning is a not nice work go flock yourself tfln

    Submitted by kararowbury on Jun 28, 12 at 8:48pm
  • Porksword I got a woman 1 woman a great one not a slutty tramp no need for your retarded input like a guy can't get a girl retard talk grow up they are nasty for what they are doing

    Submitted by fatboyexpress on Jun 28, 12 at 3:26pm
    • Ok, I get it now. Your woman is the OP. my mistake.

      Submitted by porksword on Jun 28, 12 at 4:49pm
    • yeah, you really don't get this site. try a funny christian text site. ANd if you say you are an athiest than why the judeo-christian ethics?

      Submitted by GAEA_KALI on Jun 28, 12 at 5:51pm
  • slut

    Submitted by gaea_kaIi on Jun 29, 12 at 12:27pm
  • Wow...

    Submitted by Dustbunny13313 on Jun 28, 12 at 3:22pm
  • You, however, are a disgrace.

    Submitted by girlsRbumd on Jun 28, 12 at 1:52pm
  • Guppy guppy makes sense!

    Submitted by pureboredom on Jun 29, 12 at 5:06am
  • Look I have no problem with this site at all just not a fan of cheaters that is wrong yes I'm a Christian man and I find things here quite funny at times but some stuff is also very childish that you say back and it only confirms what I've been saying

    Submitted by fatboyexpress on Jun 28, 12 at 8:45pm
    • Christ never used the word slut, I read the bible about 5 times cover to cover so I know where all the dirty words are. Somthing about a plank in your eye and throwing stones. the word is mysogonist not christian. PS abraham's wife gave her handmaiden to him to have a baby. That was the custom

      Submitted by GAEA_KALI on Jun 29, 12 at 2:34am
      • Funny how Christianity is based on a "virgin birth". Looked at from a different perspective, Mary would've been a lying slut.

        Submitted by porksword on Jun 29, 12 at 2:03pm
  • And for the record tfln wouldn't let me use the other word that starts w a g and rhymes w bay. Wtf? So I had to use homo???

    Submitted by daintygooch on Jun 28, 12 at 11:12pm
  • I'm sorry fatboy. You're right. I'm just a mutilated wreck and I'm afraid no one will accept me. Please forgive me.

    Submitted by gaea_kaIi on Jun 29, 12 at 12:29pm
  • To me, this definitely has the vibe that the OP is a guy...

    Submitted by DonkeyLipps on Jul 27, 12 at 2:28am
  • Just the same as I am assuming they are cheating you are assuming they are in an open relationship it goes both ways so don't come in here putting out that shit like u know for sure it's open cause the odds are better they are scum

    Submitted by fatboyexpress on Jun 28, 12 at 2:43pm
  • Awesome! Good sex is good sex.

    Submitted by texas1375 on Mar 15, 13 at 5:10pm