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  • who gets pants high an wasted. that's a waste of substances

    Submitted by MzKitty08 on Jun 28, 12 at 3:28pm
  • No one looks good in those. They were made for soccer moms in the 90s.

    Submitted by Sneelok on Jun 28, 12 at 3:16pm
  • Agreed. No one looks good in them. I don't care how wasted you are. High waisted pants look stupid on everyone.

    Submitted by ladymaslo on Jun 28, 12 at 3:59pm
  • Bahahaha I really wondered how one should have "stoned" and "drunk" pair of pants.

    Submitted by GA_Peach on Jun 29, 12 at 12:32pm
  • Those are awful, even on the tiniest girls. It makes me shudder that they're making a comeback.

    Submitted by sunshine1114 on Jun 28, 12 at 5:21pm
  • NO MOM JEANS! *shudder*

    Submitted by girlygears13 on Jun 29, 12 at 2:56am