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  • Kitty and Red furiously scrubbing their kitchen table with bleach..."NOPE, no good! We're just going to have to get a new table."

    Submitted by GA_Peach on Jul 9, 12 at 4:29pm
    • OMG! I watched that episode tonight

      Submitted by GAEA_KALI on Jul 10, 12 at 6:01am
      • I've watched all the episodes twice, completely stoned. Still funny. I will probably keep watching until I can say all the lines verbatim lol.

        Submitted by GA_Peach on Jul 10, 12 at 6:29am
  • Visual demonstrations are always in order

    Submitted by Boxfac3 on Jul 9, 12 at 2:49pm
  • Sunday dinner will never be the same.

    Submitted by SadieandKismet on Jul 9, 12 at 8:39pm
  • I've never heard anyone call a gangbang a sex seminar before

    Submitted by W_T_F on Jul 9, 12 at 1:28pm
    • the words SEX SEMINAR reminds me of how film depicts 70s hippy free love, but yah we have to bring everything down to the lowest common denominator now

      Submitted by GAEA_KALI on Jul 10, 12 at 6:04am
  • Great voicemails

    Submitted by kkathrynanna on Jul 9, 12 at 11:50pm
  • Nothing a little gasoline and matches can't cure!

    Submitted by pipe4tom on Jul 9, 12 at 6:14pm
  • Now no one is gonna eat off that table now!

    Submitted by peachpie88 on Jul 9, 12 at 1:19pm