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  • Not fuck gymnastics... Fuck gymnasts!

    Submitted by drr_b on Jul 25, 12 at 11:24am
  • Grandma?

    Submitted by  on Jul 25, 12 at 10:55am
  • I'm 35 and back on Feb the 8th I had a full hip replacement. And on the 15th I had just been home for 2 days(7 days after surgery), I used the over the bed handle that hung above me to keep myself upright while leaning on my good side to perform something 4 weeks earlier and stun my wife. Sorry for stealing your thunder... Just sayin though ;)

    Submitted by UhavNoEyeDAaah on Jul 25, 12 at 9:15pm
  • Congrats 👍

    Submitted by BigPimpin409 on Jul 25, 12 at 4:26pm
  • Five weeks?? Did you have tumble weeds roll out followed by the raw hide theme song when you opened your legs?? Its called push the morphine pump a couple times and get it on in the hospital bed!!

    Submitted by MsNY on Jul 26, 12 at 6:38am
  • Throat sex?

    Submitted by dmoney1234 on Jul 25, 12 at 1:18pm
  • Damn it grandma the doc said no.

    Submitted by Louis_CK on Jul 25, 12 at 1:36pm
  • Sadly I can relate to this. Fuck gymnastics.

    Submitted by lilkymama on Jul 25, 12 at 11:22am