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  • Cats don't like it when you touch their weapons.

    Submitted by bass80hz on Aug 10, 12 at 2:24pm
  • Ever stuck tape to the bottom of a cats feet? If not, you should try. It's hilarious how pissed they get.

    Submitted by SoTex on Aug 10, 12 at 1:09pm
  • -angry pussy joke-

    Submitted by  on Aug 10, 12 at 9:22pm
  • Lmao that's fantastic!!!

    Submitted by smuttypancakes on Aug 11, 12 at 2:03pm
  • Whatever it's called that makes you trip (I don't remember the name) comes out when you sweat, so when you touch something while your hands are all sweaty you can make them trip too. My friend discovered this on accident while petting her cats, then they started acting weird

    Submitted by rich_nasty on Aug 10, 12 at 9:51pm