Dunno yet. Probably just gonna play the s.t.d. russian roulette game with random bartenders at the beach again. Same 'ol same 'ol
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*(Cleveland voice from family guy)* That's nasty
at least the op knows the risks, not like the dumbasses that slut around then act like a victim when their piss burns
Jokes on you. They all have an STD. Bazinga
That's like playing Russian roulette with a semiauto.
ohhhh it is funny because revolver can have empty chambers but semi auto magazine is springloaded and will fire everytime there is a bullet so no matter what the first person will die hooohooo
Slut del la slut!
sounds more like African roulette to me
How many times do you have to lose that game before you learn??
hopefully one less than it takes to get knocked up.
but are the Russian bar tenders?
Coconuts on the beach
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