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  • I don't always need energy, but when I do. I prefer cocaine.

    Submitted by Michfan69 on Aug 21, 12 at 3:01pm
  • Ha that's Soooo funnnny!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Submitted by gman2000 on Aug 21, 12 at 6:58pm
  • Winning

    Submitted by jen0216 on Aug 21, 12 at 10:11pm
  • Cocane is an energy drink comes in little yellow cans. Hits you like a motherfucker when mixed with vodka to!!

    Submitted by jas1994 on Aug 21, 12 at 9:13pm
  • "Don't do mkay"

    Submitted by NWBoarderchick on Aug 21, 12 at 6:11pm
  • Cocane is an energy drink comes in little yellow cans. Hits you like a motherfucker

    Submitted by jas1994 on Aug 21, 12 at 9:11pm
  • Then you should've said cocaine, bitch! Now drink your fucking red bull. It was $2.50 plus tax.

    Submitted by cowbro on Aug 23, 12 at 4:26am