In times of desperation, never...NEVER put green apple scented hand sanitizer on your vagina.
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I'm having a hard time imagining the exact variety of desperation that would prompt someone to do that.
Me fucking too...
Mmmmmm. Tastes apples and...chlamydia
It burrrrrrrnnnnnnsssss.
isn't this what showers are for? c'mon...really?
Sanitizer <> Lube
Some woman just have a complex about their smell. Shower in the morning, then by evening you're feeling not so fresh and u wanna get laid. Even if everything is healthy down there, we worry about it.
you CAN shower more than once a know that....right?
It actually does (usually) rain in Indianapolis in the Summer time...
Why would you DO that?
STD scare after bareback stickins. I've heard of Clorox wipes, Lysol, you name it..for both genders.
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