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  • the right to use his own damn birth control.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 9, 09 at 1:22pm
  • This, kids, is why you wear condoms no matter if she's "on birth control." (I don't follow my own advice =|.)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 2, 09 at 6:21pm
  • He can sign his parental rights away, somehow. As if there isn't enough single parents in the D, but w/e. He doesn't deserve to be manipulated like that.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 24, 09 at 5:09am
  • That's basically what Heidi did on the hills. Fucking bitch.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 27, 09 at 5:07am
  • This issue isn't new in detroit...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 2, 09 at 11:50pm
  • if you can prove she said can sue the fuck out of her...still stuck with a kid though!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 19, 09 at 2:35pm
  • DESPERATE TIMES, call for DESPERATE measures. Put on a ski mask wait till she walks up from her car or work and cunt punch her uterus till urarms are tired grab her purse and dip!!! And have an alabi!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 4:14am
  • Is it too late to try accidentally elbowing her in the stomach really fucking hard? I'm a girl, but that's what I'd do.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 16, 09 at 7:34pm
  • It's called entrapment he gets to choose whether he wants to be there or not.

    Submitted by skeeter22 on Apr 28, 10 at 12:24pm
  • He is 'Responsible Parent' in child support-speak. As in financially responsible for the next eighteen years, It's a very, very long time and many checks to write.

    Submitted by RoffMain on Jul 20, 11 at 6:27pm
  • With child support though....

    Submitted by john117 on Dec 14, 10 at 1:40am
  • Move to Jamaica or find some nice stairs

    Submitted by LowDownZ on Mar 5, 12 at 10:18am
  • .....and that is not cool, look out boys!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 17, 09 at 9:47pm
  • The right to abstinence?

    Submitted by MikeRotch on Oct 23, 17 at 3:57am
  • He sure is F'd... :(

    Submitted by WhiskeyKid666 on Dec 22, 10 at 1:39pm