Made out with a chick in front of a girl I'm banging and successfully reDENNISed her within 9 hours
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...and if this was a chick she'd have at least 3 comments already labeling her as a slut.
Butthurt? I like the inequality, I can cry my way out of tickets. Most men can't.
I'm guessing you're one of those sluts.
yeah if you only knew son
lol this is the 2nd use of the DENNIS system I have seen on TFLN. win
Absolutely Brilliant. Well Done.
GApeach sold Sylvia Plath her oven.
D:emostrate value, E:ngage physically, N:urture independence, N:eglect emotional, I:nspire hope, S:eperate entirely
from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." Read about it and you may feel a bit scarred for life as a female
You can google it, or search d.e.n.n.i.s. On tfln and one of the comments on the one defines it
if they went family style on you, the reading that would have a point. try harder
Fucking great reference
Well done sir, I applaud you
Mad props for\nUsing the DENNIS system.
Double points if you we're listening to "Take My Breath Away" while you did it. Just like Dennis Reynolds.
This is amazing.
I have an uncle Dennis.
Best post on this site ever haha! Oh and I think stonerchick69 is awesome! You be proud and we could 69 whenever you like!
U r missing the hilarity of Dennis-ing someone. Awesome
I'm guessing you're a slut and hate being called out on the slutty things you do? How often do you see men having 5 women tested on maury to see which is his baby momma?
wow. think about that for a second. you're an idiot. stop calling people sluts on the internet and go read a book.
Calm the hell down, don't be trolling. Nobody likes trolls, you keep it up and you'll be second to 88 on this site.
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