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  • It would have been a more appropriate divorce discount at 50% off...

    Submitted by Micholder on Oct 26, 12 at 11:13am
  • Lol. See the world still has thoughtful ppl.

    Submitted by niteride on Oct 26, 12 at 11:01am
  • Haha, this is my area code... Gotta love Texans!

    Submitted by charleegirl on Oct 26, 12 at 2:36pm
  • Did the sales clerk get your number? You owe him.

    Submitted by cityboy99 on Oct 26, 12 at 11:44am
  • You have found hope among this world... You like Jesus!

    Submitted by quimbeezy on Oct 26, 12 at 12:17pm
  • Bet your ex happily paid full price. Just sayin'

    Submitted by nogoodnamesleft on Oct 26, 12 at 12:40pm
  • Thank you for sharing this golden nugget of information. You helped the world today, and for that you were rewarded with a 20 percent discount on mind-altering substances that will aid you in removing yourself from the undeniable, reprehensible bullshit that is existence, even if just for a moment.

    Submitted by ThisCantBeReal on Oct 26, 12 at 11:06am
  • you get 20. they get 80. sounds about right.

    Submitted by creepshades on Oct 26, 12 at 3:33pm
  • Haha how is this a good night?

    Submitted by credawg86 on Oct 26, 12 at 5:07pm