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  • Show me! ;D

    Submitted by iamthekatalyst on Jan 3, 13 at 11:32pm
  • OP Could mean the pat down line and yeah from experience if they feel something strange they get nosey. Had severely swollen stitches on my leg and they strip searched me.

    Submitted by ZombieBitten on Jan 4, 13 at 3:43am
  • And why would that be? Piercings in general don't set off metal detectors, surgical stainless is nonmagnetic.

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on Jan 3, 13 at 5:14pm
  • Note: It's a metal detector, not a magnetic metal detector. \n\nThat being said while any type of metal can set it off (refer to the periodic table for questions) the amount if metal is what's important. So "most" body piercinga wont set it off

    Submitted by Vardar on Jan 4, 13 at 10:18am
    • Yup, gold is non ferrous and non magnetic, yet it will set off a metal detector, so will brass, copper, lead, etc. Surface area also plays a role... As well as atomic mass. lrn2science people

      Submitted by liquor_n_front on Jan 4, 13 at 1:09pm
  • its just a huge rod of magnetite shoved through his dick

    Submitted by Madcritter on Jan 3, 13 at 8:08pm
  • FFS, you're a dumbass... unless it's the size of a AA battery and made of lead. *face desk*

    Submitted by liquor_n_front on Jan 3, 13 at 10:40pm
  • It could mean that the piercing looks "da bomb" as the kids used to say

    Submitted by And_Topher_Said on Jan 4, 13 at 10:19pm