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  • The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I see.

    Submitted by dmoney1234 on Jan 24, 13 at 11:48am
  • Time to change planets.

    Submitted by TexasWDollarsign on Jan 24, 13 at 11:40am
  • Or at least negotiate some reasonable boundaries around which events you're each going to attend, so you don't run into each other. Of course, that would actually require *talking*.

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on Jan 24, 13 at 2:57pm
  • dafuq?! more like a change in country AND in last name. talk about awkward annnd embarrassing

    Submitted by yumyum05 on Jan 24, 13 at 11:35am
  • So did you swing with them?

    Submitted by W_T_F on Jan 24, 13 at 1:35pm
  • Wow, Dad was right. Mom you really \ndo give good head!

    Submitted by hogfish on Jan 25, 13 at 8:33am
  • Kicking it in Toledo! Man, that is a really odd occurrence.

    Submitted by Massive_Attack on Jan 24, 13 at 12:44pm
  • Especially when you realize the guy you're Eiffel towering with us your dad...

    Submitted by hogfish on Feb 11, 14 at 7:56pm
  • Welcome Mt Gilead

    Submitted by pipe4tom on Jan 24, 13 at 12:13pm