10:37 Well, Ill stick to Non Fiction, thanks. If we were supposed to be enjoying fictional texts, Im sure this place would be called Imaginary Texts From Last Night, Maybe. "Remember That Text last Night That You Never Sent, Ever? We Do."
Sweet. 10:30 and 10:28, you may go on about your way. If it's all fake, then what's the point of reading it? If you still appreciate the fiction, then read, laugh and shut the hell up. No one cares if you think it's fake, and you aren't showing your intellectual prowess by declaiming it so.
I love how it's every post that people bitch about TFLN going downhill, and yet the txts keep getting gayer and gayer. Good to see the moderators actually fucking pay attention to people's opinions
i wish we would have a log in system to where the ppl who talk shit about TFLN should never post here again. I FUCKING HATE PPL WHO BLAME TFLN FOR THAT SHIT
bull shit if you enjoyed the site you wouldnt bitch and moan about every suspect post. your a whiny cunt who thinks people care about what you have to say
10:37 you can suck my right testicle. I enjoy this site, and I am merely expressing my dissappointment at these texts that we see all the time, that lose their appeal rather quickly. Real or Fake, fuck un-originality
now, suck my balls
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