he texted me telling him i gave him the clap. but i think he gave it to me and i gave it back to him
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Rochester: STD capitol of the USA. Everyone's good at something...
Honestly, who doesn't have the clap in Rochester? Long live 585...
Gonorrhea, it's a hell of an STD.
i currently live in rochester and i DO NOT have the clap. or any std for that matter
I'm sorry, you just admitted to being a virgin
Stay classy rochester.
hahhahahahhaahha 6:31!
I'll tell you when you're older.
And if'd have known what she was dealing out, I'd have dealt it back. -(ACDC kids)
Oh, man. OP's a fucking moron.
hahahahahahahah thats too stupid its funny. and first!!!!
That's called pattycake
A round of applause for the happy couple.
way to represent the 585...
ohh rochester. how i dont miss that place.
Who thinks this was a good night?
its all about what you give and take, baby.
Definitely a student at Brockport.
Ya we have had the highest rate of stds in ameia for the past 8 years running... No sign of slowing down either
Rochester, my favorite shithole!
Yay Rochester!!!
I LIVE here.. Most STD's in the US.. a little funfact
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