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  • I think I would like to see the aforementioned collage...

    Submitted by DirtyNorweigan on Apr 28, 13 at 8:30am
  • It's sad that I don't know who I dislike more: eightyeight or you, DonkeyCunt

    Submitted by Binders_of_Women on Apr 27, 13 at 10:15pm
    • For me it is DonkeyCunt hands down. He doesn't know how to STFU.

      Submitted by Fattness84 on Apr 29, 13 at 5:45pm
  • I bet you could make a coffee table book from all of those pictures.. Because It just doesn't seem like there would be enough room on a poster board. And with a book, you could sell it and finally make some money from being a slut instead of just giving it away free like you have been for the past 4 years..

    Submitted by DonkeyLipps on Apr 27, 13 at 8:08pm