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  • It's absolutely amazing to see I'm not the only intelligent young person in the world. To any liberal who thinks social welfare is effective and good...I bet you think the strippers actually like you and that talking everything out makes it all ok.

    Submitted by beau117 on Jun 25, 13 at 3:38pm
  • A hot DTF libertarian is hard to find.

    Submitted by Big_Loaf on Jun 25, 13 at 12:46pm
  • Because fuck the poor? Or do you have some other bullshit justification?

    Submitted by Kommsuessertod on Jun 25, 13 at 12:44pm
    • Both sides are full of bullshit justifications. Plenty of people came from nothing and made themselves successful. The issue is the lazy reap the most from these programs. Reward ambition instead of allowing people to rely on the system.

      Submitted by Fattness84 on Jun 25, 13 at 2:59pm
  • @Kommsuessertod: Nothing wrong with some social welfare programs but right now we are about $17 trillion in debt and need to cut some of the excesses. We can't kill the American dream to help people who take advantage of the system. For example, unemployment used to be 8 weeks a year (now 26 and longer in recessions) and at the time the avg time of unemployment was 8 weeks because people knew they needed a job. Also, drug test people on welfare and give incentives for them looking for work t

    Submitted by Phys on Jun 25, 13 at 3:03pm
    • The average unemployment time has gone up, hence the longer UI benefits. And before cutting welfare for starving families, I'd say, let's cut welfare for multibillion dollar companies first. It does nothing to help pricing (we subsidize oil companies, yet gas is still $3+ per gal.), and does nothing to encourage job growth (without demand, there's no need to up supply and hire people). As for drug testing, Florida tried it and it cost them more to test each offender than the

      Submitted by Namenlos on Jun 25, 13 at 11:55pm
      • y saved when they cut the offender off.

        Submitted by Namenlos on Jun 25, 13 at 11:58pm
      • First of all the average unemployment time has gone up as a result of the longer benefits, not visa versa. Secondly, I'm also for reforming those subsidies, this is about just in regards to social welfare programs everyone knows don't work well though. Thirdly, giving incentives for hard work searching for a job and doing related classes, activities for employment costs more too but I'm for fixing the system and taking away places that are abused, not trying to demolish the whole thing

        Submitted by Phys on Jun 26, 13 at 12:20am
  • I had good parents, but not wealthy. Even with the argument about poverty cycles being hard to break, which is true, that's not a justification for taking from the haves to give to the havenots. Socially I'm a do footer and a philanthropist, but I choose where that money goes, The govt just wastes it and social welfare is a shining example.

    Submitted by Dsapeer on Jun 25, 13 at 3:05pm
  • Yes- fuck the poor. They wouldn't be poor if they would maybe make some good decisions. I earn my money, I help who I want, and fuck you if you think anybody else has a right to take it from me. If that's the case, I could quit working and just live on the millions I've made with my good decisions.

    Submitted by Dsapeer on Jun 25, 13 at 1:25pm
    • Yes, and if you made those good decisions and had your opportunities in a complete vacuum, you might have a point. However, I'm assuming you had parents who were able to provide you with things you needed, not just monetarily, but to set good examples, because they had positive influences. A vicious cycle of poverty is hard to break on one's own.

      Submitted by Kommsuessertod on Jun 25, 13 at 1:33pm
  • I really need a girl like this in my life. I'm libertarian and have only ever dated hardcore liberals because I guess that's just my luck.\n Also in the comments one thing I don't see mentioned: social welfare may help some people, but it's more effective at keeping people down, dependent on the government and therefore powerless to change their way of life. Very sad, but don't take it from me, take it from someone way smarter and more qualified to explain:

    Submitted by mcgeeal on Jul 9, 13 at 1:31pm
  • Most of the cost of gas is tax, that's why it's $3 a gallon, not because of unreasonable oil company margins

    Submitted by Dsapeer on Jun 26, 13 at 7:43pm