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  • i cry...because I know that will never happen.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 12:59pm
  • "The Wine Rack" is available on a site called Firebox, which lists prices in USD and Euros, so one should be able to order it overseas.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 12:33pm
  • I'VE DONE THIS! I'VE DONE THIS! it's a bitch to get in it though. and the frequent bathroom runs are a hassle.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 2, 09 at 10:49pm
  • 1156, quit the bitching. what the hell is wrong with you?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 10:49pm
  • Billy Mays would have sold it

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 11:51am
  • That's so stupid. Only a guy would say that bc he obviously didn't think about the purpose of a water bra - to KEEP LIQUID IN THERE. and 11:54 that's fucking idiotic, too. Just bc a girl it drunk, it doesn't automatically mean she'll be better or more fun in bed. She could fucking pass out on you or puke.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 11:56am
  • People like 11:56 AM ruin the fun of this site.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 5:29pm
  • this is a great invention.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 2:06pm
  • 12:38-small price to pay for some booze.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 12:40pm
  • 12:03 I'd like the job of checking and enforcing said rule.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 12:11pm
  • If I were a guy, I'd figure out a way to make my cum shots be made of jello shots.. Just saying, that way girls would always want to swallow, and the more you came the drunker she'd get. And the drunker the girl, the crazier the sex.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 11:54am
  • built in ice packs for youre icy cold fresh refreshments....and maybe a pocket for your ipod...and built in speakers..bra glows when you get a phone call...magic is happening here

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 12:48pm
  • My friend and I put ziploc baggies full of vodka (triple bagged) in our bras to sneak it into an outdoor festival. Called them "Vodka Boobs." They made our tits look awesome until it was time to take them out AND kept me cool cause the vodka stayed cold for a while.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 1, 09 at 2:38pm
  • Then your boobs would shrink silly!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 12:38pm
  • remember to sip evenly....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 5:19pm
  • Wouldn't the booze get hot..? Figure out a way to keep it cold while wearing it too, and I'll buy one. lol.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 12:13pm
  • but.. if they pass out, it's like a guaranteed "yes," right? haha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 12:02pm
  • my friend has a liquor bra! its like a sports bra with a tube going up the strap that she can pull out and sip from, she uses it at like footballs games n shit at her school so she doesnt get caught

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 1:27pm
  • Holy fuck that's an awesome idea!!!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 9:41pm
  • I would totally buy a liquor bra! Market that shit.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 11:48am
  • They have one of these... I've sipped off my friend's. Its called a 'Wine Rack' and it's at least available in the UK.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 12:11pm
  • you cant say black on here anymore

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 12:17pm
  • I'm more interested in how one would be able to retrieve/insert the alcohol from/into said bra. Would one have to walk around with a straw of some sort protruding through the neckline of their shirt? Tell me more!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 12:29pm
  • How would they inforce a no water bra rule? By feeling girls up as they walk in? Illegal. Plus, stores prob wouldn't be allowed to sell them underage anyways.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 12:11pm
  • Stay classy Georgia.

    Submitted by o_O_o on Jul 28, 10 at 12:24am
  • i hear they make somethin for men too. it's called a beer gut & i assume you wear it like a vest under your shirt. they would both be great for concerts where the beer is $12!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 4:21pm
  • lol @ 5:19 ~ great idea i'd definately get one

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 11:11pm
  • Psh @ both 1156. There's no such thing as too drunk to fuck when its a girl, and if she's just drinking cum, do you know how many money shots it'd take to get the avg girl puking drunk? Don't be haters cuz you didn't think of it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 11:58am
  • This guy is a modern Einstein.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 5:18pm
  • Unless she gets too drunk to fuck, 11:54. And then it turns into a whole other ball game.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 11:56am
  • i don't think i would drink beer or wine from a bra but using it as a flask type deal would be awesome.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 12:57pm
  • If this invention came out, there would be a no water bra rule at clubs.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 12:03pm
  • I totally thought about this idea like last week! I called it the beer bra! And not only a guy, I 'm a girl and I thought about it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 12:00pm
  • Why haven't I done this? Great idea 2:38! :-D

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 2, 09 at 2:54am
  • 12:11 Wine Rack! Haha! That's awesome.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 12:18pm
  • The idea of a "water bra" disgusts me... damn false advertising... but this idea is actually fairly awesome. Hmm.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 2:22pm
  • I'm pretty sure this is a "cirque du soleil" scene

    Submitted by mnightgoulding on Mar 14, 10 at 4:06pm