Yeah but 6:13, like I said, that will only work on a loser that never gets any. Treat them as shitty as you'd like, we all gotta pay our dues. More experienced guys will never fall for that childish shit though. I learned that before I was halfway through highschool sweety/skank. :)
"Bad night" because either you or he actually used the world "Giggity" instead of fuck, bang, have sex, or any other of the perfectly acceptable synonyms. Lose.
5:53 guys act like it's so fucking hard to turn down a girl. if you weren't so goddamn selfish and had the tiniest amount of respect for your girlfriend, it can't be that hard to turn down a horny girl.
Oh 5:46 you silly cunt,
No man that isn't retarded is going to fall for the old "you go first" trick. That's not how an even exchange starts in america.
as far as 9:12's post...
Am I the only one who finds it sad that someone can identify his/her friend by the fact that they posted a text message about happily fucking another girl's boyfriend?
wth 6:53? I thought I was still talking to that chick. Ah well, you must've jumped in at 5:43 then. I take back the skank thing, I thought you were the hooker in the living room, whoops.
3:51, yep. these girls don't understand that they're just a piece of ass. if he actually liked her, she'd be the girlfriend. then karma would take effect and he'd cheat on her, too :)
4:18 FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5:31 I definitely agree with you. Whore's like this chick gives us one-man kind of girls a bad rep. She's a fucking skank and deserves the worst for KNOWING he's in a relationship. He's also a fucking douchebag for being in the relationship and cheating on his girlfriend.
lol why does the same argument happen on every text like this? shut the fuck up whiny ex-girlfriends, we get it he cheated on you. do it right next time
anyway OP, you go girl this just happened to me too haha
I'm the girl with the blue balls & $50 tab/ make them go first.. and I never said I had living room sex! You trippppin boo. I WAS ON YOUR SIDE, TOO. FUCK!!!!!
guys shouldn't think it's OK in the first place.
they shouldn't be treated like fucking 5 year olds with downs syndrome, it's not hard to decipher right from wrong
haha GIrlfriend number 2, cause the first one she don't really seem like she knows what to do....if the bitch did things right she wouldn't get cheated on.
It's not that he doesn't know it's wrong, he doesn't care. And why should he? He should use you until you're all used up and then find some more side pussy. If you do your part he'll make that dream happen.
I'm not mad about it at all. I was gotten when I was younger. Not since I was 17 and never again. Just don't act like you can get all of us. And fucking guys in the middle of the living room at a party in front of everyone is just sooooo slutty it makes me want to put a stick of TNT in that funpouch and watch it blow apart. The way you're goin' that'll happen by itself.
to the 1st 5:28-
he should keep it in his pants & she should have respect for herself to not sleep with a TAKEN guy and nobody would call her a whore. hes sleeping with her because she allows it. if she didnt allow it, he would be the effing douchebag and she WOULDNT be a whore.
I can agree with you on the living room little situation, I'm definitely not standing up for women who do that kinda shit. I will actually aid you in this TNT experiment to show how much I do not support that kind of slutty attention-- for both the boy & the girl involved.
Oh and no worries, I've been played HARD before, but I was 15. I feel you. I don't pride myself in fucking guys over- only fucking the dirty douchebag pigs over who deserve it.
All I can say is that I'm happy that I can confidently say my boyfriend will never cheat on me. All you guys purposely ruining girls, I sincerely hope you'll be very very lonely in your older years. You don't know the damage you do.
^^ 6:53#2 I mean.
And 6:53#1-You do realize that 6:13 (aka your hero) earlier admitted that she had sex with a guy in the living room at a party in front of everyone. Nice hero to have.
I speak for all men right now!!! If ur a prude and won't suck it off once in awhile and quit shaving ur couche all winter!!! We are gonna happily go see sum one else just as hot as u in most cases hotter!! And get our jollies off then cum home and kiss u with pussy on our lips and then laugh in the shower while we scrub our balls
5:36, you're right, but she's still a backstabbing bitch for KNOWINGLY continuing to sleep with him. if she didn't know he had a girlfriend, it'd be a different story.
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