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  • Huh, those statements contradict each other.

    Submitted by Demfolk90 on Aug 25, 13 at 10:25am
  • Rookies...

    Submitted by MegzEve007 on Aug 25, 13 at 7:57pm
  • Shots? Of kaluha? You sir, are the bitch here, bro.

    Submitted by jaystreet_46 on Aug 25, 13 at 1:22pm
  • Bitches drink Kahlua.

    Submitted by realestdudr on Aug 25, 13 at 1:05pm
  • Huh, those statements contradict each other.

    Submitted by Demfolk90 on Aug 25, 13 at 10:20pm
  • God damn shots of Kahlua prove your bitch made by proxy. Unless you go white Russian big lebowski style roll up your man card and use it as a tampon. fucko.

    Submitted by dilla on Aug 25, 13 at 4:40pm
  • Anyone ever think for half a second that the Kaluha is what makes this text funny? Everyone was so quick to start waving their dick around about how much of a bitch op is.

    Submitted by DongWrangler on Aug 25, 13 at 6:35pm
  • Who the hell does shots of khalua?

    Submitted by The_Wolf on Aug 27, 13 at 3:45pm