Jesus, spare the political rants people...This isn't the website to do it on.
I'm just excited someone else noticed all the Middle Eastern accents on NPR and was willing to smoke pot every time it happened.
That is all.
People won't be so pro liberal when the Dem. health care bill goes through.
Nothing like paying another 20% in taxes for your employers contribution to your health plan.
fuck the military give everyone health care first.. more people die from stupid medical shit.. and what's so wrong with the government.. we have clean water and nice roads here asshole.
@ 9:44 Sylvia Poggioli is Italian, I believe. FWIW, I have had most amazing conversations with people whose viewpoint I don't understand, under the influence of marijuana. One of my best friends is a pretty conservative Republican, and boy does she smoke a bunch!
fuck all you liberal bastards.
You're all excited about obama in the office, but when taxes shoot through the roof the few liberals out that that actually pay taxes will have quite the wake up call.
yeah because conservatives did SUCH a good job of running this country.
go back to watching fox news and wishing you could blow bill o'reilly you brainwashed moron
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