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  • I think you've got to ask no matter how long it's been.

    Submitted by NJ_Pablo on Oct 12, 13 at 9:53am
  • Sleeping with your friends ex is bad enough as is, but if they have kids that's still really shitty no matter how you try to justify it.

    Submitted by Axel5238 on Oct 12, 13 at 12:55am
  • Was there an agreement where you wouldn't? If not...too bad. (but you should have asked first, just good etiquette)

    Submitted by MplsChk on Oct 11, 13 at 7:42pm
    • bro code states to stay away for 10 months. after that, its just a heads-up.

      Submitted by TheNorwegian on Oct 11, 13 at 9:57pm