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  • She never actually specified it was a cheerleader ... I'm having more fun picturing a slutty linebacker costume

    Submitted by flyinggirl139 on Oct 31, 13 at 6:51pm
  • Confused... What exactly makes it a "slutty" Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader costume? Wait...I probably don't want to know 😏

    Submitted by JuggsaPoppin on Oct 31, 13 at 6:56am
  • If he proposed, then jail is actually the least bad alternative -- better 10 days in the slammer than married for 10 years.

    Submitted by BeerBuzzie on Oct 31, 13 at 12:02pm
  • So did you say "yes"? Dammit I want answers!

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on Oct 31, 13 at 7:14pm