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  • Braakkk... Roll her up in a carpet..

    Submitted by 6pak on Jan 13, 14 at 10:34am
  • Wth????

    Submitted by sunshine26 on Jan 13, 14 at 10:31pm
  • Best friends they will be, unless one or both feels guilty, then they will pretend to be best friends, all the while planning and plotting how to convince the other it was only their fault, and blackmail them, or pin all guilt on the other and turn them in, or kill them. Then the writers of various crime dramas reuse this scenario, tweaking it occasionally to seem more original.

    Submitted by MononokeWolf on Jan 13, 14 at 4:37pm
  • God dammit Obama. I expected this from Bill Clinton but you should know better.... I'll go get secret service to toss the body with the others.

    Submitted by wallflower11 on Jan 13, 14 at 12:00pm