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  • No if you drive around in atlanta with the windows down you will be drenched no matter how fat or skinny you are.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 9, 09 at 3:53pm
  • You spelled gauge wrong.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 9, 09 at 10:39pm
  • I live in Atlanta and this is so true.ugh the humidity and heat Is intense

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 9, 09 at 4:53pm
  • 8:43 nice Big Lebowski reference, such a sick movie

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 9, 09 at 11:26pm
  • ah, the northeast has rough summers, least if you live in nyc, philly, baltimore or d.c. (i guess baltimore and d.c. aren't northeast but whatever). the humidity and the tall buildings, density and concrete just makes it so much hotter than the suburbs

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 9, 09 at 5:07pm
  • preeettty sure thats why they call it HOTLANTA!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 9, 09 at 7:29pm
  • i live in atlanta as well. i had no a/c in my car for the first part of the summer. traffic sucks and asphalt makes it hotter. the humidity is around 80% daily. back, ass, neck, balls, face, feet, head, hands all sweat. sucks.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 9, 09 at 6:07pm
  • Wow, people sweat?? That is soooooooooo nasty omg i can't believe your body tries to cool you off like that. like get a fan or something fatty

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 13, 09 at 3:01pm
  • Yea I'm from Atlanta and I'm skinny but after I drive around for like ten minutes my back AND thighs are sweating. Not my ass. But I mean, not everybody is as skinny as me.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 10, 09 at 12:11am
  • Vile... just another thing to add to my list of reasons why I love the Northeast - most of the time, the summers are bearable and don't make you drip from your ass. Disgusting.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 9, 09 at 3:58pm
  • EW. fat people sweat in the oddest places.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 9, 09 at 3:50pm
  • It is possible to get swampass anywhere.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 9, 09 at 4:22pm
  • I am 6', 150 lbs and I sweat like a crack addled prostitute. It doesn't matter what your body fat is, swamp ass strikes like The Dude in a bowling alley.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 9, 09 at 8:43pm
  • Me too, bro. Fuck, once, I had a piece of paper in my back pocket Very damp when I took it out.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 1:47am
  • swampassssssssssssssssss

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 11, 09 at 7:46pm