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  • ...or you could do the paper and actually learn something

    Submitted by 86swonavy on Mar 13, 14 at 9:53am
  • Umm and learn on the side. I can't post about learning with such a grievous typo... ( yep.. I'd show my boobs)

    Submitted by lolita_carlita on Mar 18, 14 at 6:07am
  • Or you could just show him your tits in person and make his entire year.

    Submitted by johnniday on Mar 14, 14 at 8:49am
  • Do the paper ?? When you can show your boobs? Why are these ppl commenting?!? She should show her boobs, secure a nice grade AND learning the side...duh

    Submitted by lolita_carlita on Mar 18, 14 at 6:06am