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  • Only on days ending in Y.

    Submitted by hogfish on Jun 17, 14 at 7:13pm
  • And did you ask her the same??

    Submitted by Roosterjuice2 on Jun 18, 14 at 2:10pm
  • Eight Eight, why not check out some real nazi separatists' sites and get the fuck out of TFLN. Imagine what your neo-nazi skin headed bigot friends would think if they knew you were a member here. You should probably quit being a member

    Submitted by Cadbury on Jun 17, 14 at 8:44pm
  • Eighty Eight

    Submitted by Eightyeight on Jun 17, 14 at 8:59am
  • Are you sure about that, Kip?

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on Jun 18, 14 at 5:06pm