And that's why there's a package of flushable wipes sitting DIRECTLY in front of the toilet in my bathroom. Take the hint ladies and clean it all up before we get started.
what a fucking weirdo. Besides knowing how to wipe, I shower or at least clean up so you could eat dinner off me. Why aren't more people aware of how they taste/smell down there?
(850): Apparently last night I sat at the bar with an upside down sharpie lightning bolt on my forehead, yelling "It's Harry Potter's birthday! Let me be on the qudditch team!" And I kept calling the bartender Dobby. There are videos.
@ 7:47: I had a history teacher who would say Go Michigan (or "Go Blue") after absolutely everything. ("Mr. ____, how was your weekend?" "I mowed the lawn. Go Blue!")
If you live in 919 this is likely the same person.
hey 9:57 i think he was talking about how her vag smelt really bad, because it would if you wiped front to back but not that she literally had chunks of poo in her vag
everyone should clean up before oral... male and female alike. ugh.
plus, it's totally possible to wipe back to front without getting shit all over yourself. what kind of nasty ass mudbutt situation did this girl have?!
Ewwwwww. Gross.
Front to back is like girl law. It's a known thing. Who the hell is dumb enough to do this?
I mean, unless you enjoy infections and such. :p
i call bullshit on 5:46 and every other fucker who GIVES A SHIT if it's fake or not. i don't care if you're not enjoying the site, so unless you have something funny or useful to say, STFU..
she must go too far up. because this never happens to me and honestly id rather not leave shit all the way up my crack where theres "crusties" ... and whats nasty is the fact that the girl didnt clean hersel before u came over.
Eew! That is seriously unhealthy. Front to back, girl! Did your parents not toilet train you or something? There's nothing wrong with getting in the shower or using a wet paper towel if that's what it's going to take. If you had, no one would ever have known...
What does wiping back to front have to do with anything? I don't know about anyone else but I don't drag the shitstained paper across my balls before dropping it in the toilet. What the fruit.
Honestly who wipes back to front?! Girls or guys?? Either you're going to get shit in your vag or on your nut sack. Gross. You have an ass crack for a reason. Wipe front to back like every other normal person does and follow your ass crack. And wipe until there's no marks on the TP!
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