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  • Draco is PATHETIC. He starts the series pathetic, he ends the series pathetic. End of story. Tom Felton is kind of adorable, but whatever. Oh, and HP haters can go fuck themselves. Hard. With sharp, rusty objects.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 19, 09 at 4:03pm
  • i love draco =) more so tom felton, i want him to be my baby daddy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 27, 09 at 6:58pm
  • this is awesome haha... that kids a little dickweed

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 2:11pm
  • wow. you guys are all pathetic.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 21, 09 at 4:29pm
  • Would definitely fuck the shit out of Tom Felton, Alan Rickman and Helena Bonham-Carter haha. Guess I've got a thing for Slytherins.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 9:56pm
  • fuck that. Draco is amazing.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 8:19pm
  • and i am aware there arent a any " ' " in my punctuation, thanks!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 25, 09 at 6:38pm
  • Draco is so sexy. I loved when he stomped on harry's face- he knows how to take care of business.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 7:27pm
  • Mmmmm I love me some Harry/Draco slash.

    Submitted by Achlies on Apr 26, 10 at 4:40am
  • id rather hear anybody talk about harry potter over fucking twilight. if the stupid actors in twilgiht werent what everyone 'assumes' is attractive itd be a whole different story. when did you really ever see h.p in the tabloids? dear lord twilights been in the tabloids from the get go. at least with h.p. the author isnt afraid to kill some good guys. twilgihts too happy go lucky... get over it. harry potter takes all.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 25, 09 at 6:36pm
  • haha. i love all the harry potter haters. why can't ppl enjoy reading and watching movies? fucking haters.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 5:28pm
  • i agree with 558 ron looked swole in the latest movie

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 7:46pm
  • How do you NOT know who Draco is??? Even people who have never read/watched HP know who he is....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 11:46pm
  • um i love tom felton.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 2:53pm
  • dammnnn i know 1:46! cedric diggory althe wayyy. wtf happened to him in twilightt so gross D:

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 6:35am
  • fuck harry potter. and the author of a childeren's book series that has 45 year old men dressed up as one of the characters waiting in line at barnes and noble at midnight waiting for the release of the final book should be drug out in the street and shot.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 5:00pm
  • ahaha draco is such a lurker.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 7:11pm
  • I find draco's evilness attractive and his amazingly good looks are just a plus =}

    Submitted by spazy24 on Jul 28, 10 at 12:44am
  • damnit cedric diggory was the fucking cutest. i fucking love him in HP. i refuse to see twilight though. the things i'd do to cedric, though dammmnnn

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 1:46am
  • intertainment? But yes, I agree with you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 6:31pm
  • I would fuck the hell outta Severus Snape as portrayed by Alan Rickman. I love dark haired pasty men with brooding, dark eyes.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 4:55pm
  • they can hate all they want, but i'd still hit that.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 6:08pm
  • I love how Draco cried in the movie. Fucking pussy. Still bangable though :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 10:00pm
  • Tom Felton is pretty fucking hot, even if he is 21. Still. I banged a 21 year old in may, so I consider it okay!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 9:20pm
  • 11:16- It's safe to assume that they're talking about Draco Malfoy, considering he's the most prevalent "Draco" in pop culture at the moment.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 12:03pm
  • Draco Malfoy's not a terribly bad person! it's not his fault his family's all fucked up. he's lucky he even turned out vaguely ok with a dad like that!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 6:01pm
  • Fuck that; Draco's wannabe evil is lovely. Tell preteens who still think good is good and evil is evil to stay away.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 3:16pm
  • That's awful! Draco is awesome!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 2:06pm
  • Yeah, but they all probably still want to bang him.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 2:18pm
  • WTF? Draco is NOT just a fucking stupid character from a pathetic cashcow series of books. Fuck you idiots!!!!!!!, google it and read up on history. Ever heard someone say "their policies were draconian"? No? Tools. Fuck, I'm floored. Nobody has pulled you up on this yet? O. M. G. (rolls eyes)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 11:16am
  • And you referred to him by just his first name. . . who's the closet Harry Potter fan?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 4:25pm
  • i love how all the harry potter haters know who draco is

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 6:47am
  • it's a fucking movie you dumb asses.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 24, 09 at 4:59pm
  • no way. i would fuck draco so hard.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 20, 09 at 12:18pm
  • rupert grint<3 rupert grint<3 rupert grint<3.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 19, 09 at 11:04am
  • lol dude, this is funny. appreciate it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 22, 09 at 7:25am
  • Tom Felton is freaking hot. Darco Malfoy as a character - not so great. At least he turns out some what normal in the end. And by no means should JK Rowling be shot... she isnt making ppl dress up. Those ppl make their own choices to dress up like wizards. get over it - its just a series made for intertainment.. if you dont like them then dont read them, but dont rain on everyone else's parade.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 6:20pm
  • i'd fuck the shit out of draco malfoy hot damn.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 5:36pm
  • HAHAH he is so cute when he cries!! i love him!!! hate that he's evil tho :\

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 19, 09 at 10:42pm
  • HA good, everyone should hate draco :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 4:36pm
  • Do you live in the junior high school or what?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 2:07pm
  • This site isn't called "texts from homos who like harry potter" get this shit outta here

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 3:00pm
  • fucking hilarious. draco's not a real bad guy [; and he's awfully cute :D

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 12:32am
  • Fucking retarded Harry Potter fans.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 4:14pm
  • thank you i guess im out of the loop too

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 2:53pm
  • eww not Diggory. Draco and Ron for sure. I love Snape's personality, but he's not very attractive... I'd still tap it though.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 10:10am
  • hahahaha i love snape

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 2:06pm
  • Did you miss where I said I'd fuck Snape? Never said anything about fucking Potter.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 5:32pm
  • 5:58 haha, what about Rox/Draco? xD and 4:29, no one gives a fuck. we're here to laugh, you're obviously an uptight ass. we don't exactly mix.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 22, 09 at 2:35am
  • Better it's about Harry Potter and not some fucking sparkling pussy from a sexually frustrated Mormon's teenage wetdream.

    Submitted by dre623 on Jul 16, 10 at 6:09am
  • this is such a terrible one..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 2:07pm
  • My thought process throughout the entire movie was: "Draco is so hot." "Bellatrix is so hot." "Draco is hot!" "God, Bellatrix is hot." "Harry is a tool" "Ooh, Snape is hot."

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 7:17pm
  • He was kind of a schizo in the new movie, but I'd still do him.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 3:08pm
  • Fuck Draco; Ron Weasley's where it's atttt. I would do just about anything to him :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 1:08am
  • 3:06 knows what's up And yeah he was never more than that annyoing bully who never went away. Not hate-worthy, but really obnoxious

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 4:09pm
  • Maybe people will like him after the final movies? Since obviously most here don't read the books.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 3:51pm
  • i would bang the shit out of tom felton aka draco malfoy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 3:06pm
  • Draco Malfoy is a pathetic wannabe.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 3:35pm
  • 3:16 and 4:55 fuck yes!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 8:26pm
  • I love Draco Malfoy/ Tom Felton

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 19, 09 at 10:45pm
  • Who could hate Draco? I can understand hating him earlier in the series but he grew up...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 3:33pm