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  • At least you won't be chasing *two* kids around a 30' jungle gym.

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on Jan 15, 15 at 8:29pm
  • He'll be really sore and swollen up tomorrow. BRO TIP: Iced balls and sitting on a couch should be all you do after that procedure.

    Submitted by 90trunk on Jan 15, 15 at 12:43pm
    • Too true. The day after my vasectomy, I did nothing but lounge on the living room couch all day and watch movies and read my book (with an ice pack on my crotch). I was still a little sore, of course, but not nearly as much as the above poor bastard is right now...

      Submitted by Rotarrin on Jan 15, 15 at 1:07pm
  • Who's brilliant idea was it to bring the kid to the jungle gym the day after your vasectomy??! If it's your wife, she's dumb and/or a bitch; if it's you, you're just dumb.

    Submitted by Rotarrin on Jan 15, 15 at 1:05pm
  • Try a bag of frozen peas.

    Submitted by King_Domcum on Jan 17, 15 at 3:44am
  • Chasing the kid around on a jungle gym is reason enough not to fuck...thus negating the need for a vasectomy...lots of irony there

    Submitted by sledrvr1 on Jan 15, 15 at 8:10am